MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 114: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 114

1. We can justifiably infer from this passage that the appearance of Willis Reed at the seventh game of the Lakers-Knicks playoff in 1970:

  • A. brought New Yorkers a new perspective on the significance of physical injury.
  • B. played some part in the Knicks' victory.
  • C. was at the insistence of his coach.
  • D. was necessary to the Knick's victory.

Correct Answer: B


B This is an Inference question.

A: No. While the author does ask us to "remember that the Knicks, lifted high by his courage, went on to win game seven, bringing to New York basketball a new perspective," choice A goes too far by appending the idea of "physical injury" to that new perspective.

B: Yes. The author says in paragraph 1 that "the Knicks, lifted high by his courage, went on to win game seven."

C: No. This choice goes too far, since we do not know from the passage what Reed's motive was, or whether or not the coach was involved in his decision to play.

D: No. The word "necessary" makes this choice too strong. Remember that when dealing with inferences, it is best to stick with answers that do not stray too far from the passage. It is impossible to say with certainty that the Knicks would have lost had it not been for Reed's appearance. This makes B a better supported answer than choice D.

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