MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 115: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 115

2. As it is used in the context of the passage, word "operatic" in paragraph 2 most nearly means:

  • A. classical.
  • B. musical.
  • C. comedic.
  • D. histrionic.

Correct Answer: D


D This is a an Inference question.

A: No. While "classical" as in classical music, or, as in traditional or elegant (which are other possible interpretations of the word "classical") may come to your mind when you think of opera, there is nothing in the passage to support this interpretation of the word.

B: No. As in choice A, this may fit your own interpretation of "operatic," but there isn't anything in this part of the passage to suggest a connection or relationship to music.

C: No. "Comedic" does not fit the author's description of the referees as respected, cool under pressure, and dramatic. It also doesn't fit the author's relatively serious tone in this passage.

D: Yes. Be careful not to eliminate a word just because you don't know what it means. "Histrionic" is a synonym for "dramatic" and thus best fits the author's context.

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