MCAT Organic Chemistry Practice Test 3: Bonding

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1. Within one principal energy level, which subshell has the least energy?

  • A. s
  • B. p
  • C. d
  • D. f

2. Which of the following compounds possesses at least one σ bond?

  • A. CH4
  • B. C2H2
  • C. C2H4
  • D. All of the above contain at least one σ bond.

3. A carbon atom participates in one double bond. As such, this carbon contains orbitals with:

  • A. hybridization between the s-orbital and one p-orbital.
  • B. hybridization between the s-orbital and two p-orbitals.
  • C. hybridization between the s-orbital and three p-orbitals.
  • D. no hybridization between the s-orbital and p-orbitals.

4. The hybridizations of the carbon and nitrogen atoms in CN- are:

  • A. sp3 and sp3, respectively.
  • B. sp3 and sp, respectively.
  • C. sp and sp3, respectively.
  • D. sp and sp, respectively.

5. Which of the following hybridizations does the Be atom in BeH2 assume?

  • A. sp
  • B. sp2
  • C. sp3
  • D. sp4

6. Two atomic orbitals may combine to form:

I. a bonding molecular orbital.

II. an antibonding molecular orbital.

III. hybridized orbitals.

  • A. I only
  • B. III only
  • C. I and II only
  • D. I, II, and III

7. Molecular orbitals can contain a maximum of:

  • A. one electron.
  • B. two electrons.
  • C. four electrons.
  • D. 2n2 electrons, where n is the principal quantum number of the combining atomic orbitals.

8. π bonds are formed by which of the following orbitals?

  • A. Two s-orbitals
  • B. Two p-orbitals
  • C. One s- and one p-orbital
  • D. Two sp2-hybridized orbitals

9. How many σ bonds and π bonds are present in the following compound?

  • A. Six σ bonds and one π bond
  • B. Six σ bonds and two π bonds
  • C. Seven σ bonds and one π bond
  • D. Seven σ bonds and two π bonds

10. The four C–H bonds of CH4 point toward the vertices of a tetrahedron. This indicates that the hybridization of the carbon atom in methane is:

  • A. sp.
  • B. sp2.
  • C. sp3.
  • D. sp3d.

11. Why is a single bond stronger than a π bond?

I. π bonds have greater orbital overlap.

II. s-orbitals have more overlap than p-orbitals.

III. sp3 hybridization is always unstable.

  • A. I only
  • B. II only
  • C. I and III
  • D. I, II, and III

12. The s character of the carbon atom in HCN is:

  • A. 25% s and 75% p.
  • B. 50% s and 50% p.
  • C. 33% s and 67% p.
  • D. 75% s and 25% p.

13. A resonance structure describes:

I. the hybrid of all possible structures that contribute to electron distribution

II. a potential arrangement of electrons in a molecule.

III. the single form that the molecule most often takes.

  • A. I only
  • B. II only
  • C. I and II only
  • D. I, II, and III

14. An electron is known to be in the n = 4 shell and the l = 2 subshell. How many possible combinations of quantum numbers could this electron have?

  • A. 1
  • B. 2
  • C. 5
  • D. 10

15. Compared to single bonds, triple bonds are:

  • A. weaker.
  • B. longer.
  • C. made up of fewer π bonds.
  • D. more rigid.