MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 98: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 98

5. In the author's view, Stravinsky's collaboration with others in musical composition and theater can best be summarized as:

  • A. productive yet contentious.
  • B. accepted with reluctance.
  • C. onerous and ultimately destructive.
  • D. fruitful and harmonious.

Correct Answer: D


D This is an Inference question.

A: No. This takes the reference in paragraph 1 out of context. While the author mentions cartoons she watched as a child in which objects would sprout limbs and move, and in the final paragraph she suggests a tea cozy may have a lot to say about one's personal life, she would not go so far as to believe her toaster capable of plotting schemes. Note in the final paragraph she says "if only they could," referring to the fact that objects are unable to enact or consider plots on their own.

B: No. The author makes no negative judgment about Shapton; besides, the author mentions that the couple is fictional (paragraph 6), so real lives are not actually being exposed.

C: No. The author does not weigh in on whether the relationship had chances of survival or not; she is merely interested in how the objects from that relationship tell its story.

D: Yes. See the final sentences of paragraph 2. This answer fits well with the author's assertion that objects become "all-important and indispensable" details in the narratives of chapters of our lives.

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