MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 60: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 60

1. In paragraph 1, families are compared to the economy. This comparison is based on:

  • A. a contrast between the workplace and the home.
  • B. the possibility of new forms of social organization.
  • C. the actions of radicals hoping to undermine the status quo.
  • D. the unfortunate results of an economic crisis.

Correct Answer: B


B This is a Structure question.

A: No. The author does not contrast (i.e., illustrate differences between) the workplace and the home. Rather, the author states that they are similar in that adaptation to new circumstances was needed (paragraph 1).

B: Yes. In paragraph 1, the author states that "Recovery in the family, as in the economy, would be achieved not simply by returning to ways of the past, but by adapting to new circumstances."

C: No. The author does mention "radicalism," but does not describe radicals hoping to make changes to the family.

D: No. This choice is too negative. This comparison follows shortly after the sentence, "The Depression yielded not only misery but also tremendous energy and radicalism" (paragraph 1). The author also states in that paragraph that "the crisis challenged Americans to abandon the constraints of the past and move forward, boldly, into the future." Therefore, the author recognizes positive as well as negative results of the economic crisis.

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