MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 52: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 52

7. Throughout the passage, the author suggests which of the following to be true of efficiency?

  • A. It is a deceptively attractive idea.
  • B. It is the foundation of a well-run state.
  • C. It is just as important to public life as to private life.
  • D. It is never a worthy goal.

Correct Answer: A


A This is an Inference question.

A: Yes. In paragraph 1, the example of the ad illustrates that efficiency is attractive. In paragraph 2, the author then explains this promise lacks substance. In paragraph 3, she refers to this advertisement process as a "seduction," a process based on attraction.

B: No. On one hand, the author does say efficiency is important. In paragraph 4, she says it can be "used correctly as a means … to achieve our goals." However, the author also states in the same paragraph that "Efficiency is only one part of a much larger public discussion between citizens and their governments." That is, it would be one means (perhaps among many) to a goal of a well-run state, whatever "well-run" might mean in context.

C: No. The passage makes no comparison between the importance of efficiency itself in public and private life (only that the language of efficiency is used in both).

D: No. This is too extreme; it is inconsistent with the author's argument that efficiency can be an important means to an end (paragraph 4).

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