MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 46: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 46

1. The author draws an important distinction between:

  • A. goals and the ways those goals are accomplished.
  • B. efficient and inefficient technology.
  • C. representative and misleading advertising.
  • D. public and private dialogues about efficiency.

Correct Answer: A


A This is an Inference question.

A: Yes. See paragraph 4: "Efficiency is not an end, but a means to achieve valued ends." This answer choice uses different words to refer to "ends" and "means," and this distinction is central to the author's main idea about efficiency.

B: No. While the example of the automated kitchen in paragraph 1 does introduce the idea of efficient technology, the author does not explicitly describe a distinction between different types of technology.

C: No. The author does suggest in paragraph 2 that the advertisement referred to in paragraph 1 is intentionally vague-"But the ad misses, not by accident, I suspect, one crucial piece of information …"-but no distinction is drawn between different types of advertising.

D: No. See paragraph 3: "The language of efficiency shapes our public as well as our private lives." This suggests our public and private views of efficiency are similar, rather than distinct.

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