MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 37: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 37

4. All of the following are suggested as occupations or interests held by Adams EXCEPT:

  • A. college professor.
  • B. paleontology.
  • C. chemistry.
  • D. military officer.

Correct Answer: D


D This is an Inference/EXCEPT question.

A: No. Paragraph 2 states: "Long afterwards, when the devious path of life led him back to teach in his turn what no student naturally cared or needed to know, he diverted some dreary hours of faculty meetings by looking up his record in the class-lists, and found himself graded precisely in the middle." This suggests that Adams returned to Harvard as a professor.

B: No. Paragraph 3 states: "The only teaching that appealed to his imagination was a course of lectures by Louis Agassiz on the Glacial Period and Paleontology, which had more influence on his curiosity than the rest of the college instruction altogether." This suggests Adams had an interest in paleontology.

C: No. Paragraph 3 states: "The bit of practical teaching he afterwards reviewed with most curiosity was the course in Chemistry, which taught him a number of theories that befogged his mind for a lifetime." Even if Adams was confused by chemistry, the passage suggests that he did have some interest in or "curiosity" about it.

D: Yes. There is no mention of Adams having any interest in military affairs. The passage does talk of Lee accepting a military commission (paragraph 1), but not of Adams doing the same or having any interest in military affairs.

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