MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 28: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 28

1. Which of the following best describes the author's primary purpose?

  • A. To explain the causes of innumeracy and provide options on how to prevent it
  • B. To demonstrate that Americans are, on the whole, undereducated
  • C. To provide data concerning probabilities of various causes of death
  • D. To describe innumeracy and some of its consequences

Correct Answer: D


D This is a Main Idea/Primary Purpose question.

A: No. The author addresses neither the causes of innumeracy, nor any options for preventing it.

B: No. While the passage does suggest that most Americans have a relatively poor understanding of numbers, it does not address the overall level of American education. Lack of education is not described as a cause of innumeracy, nor is innumeracy used as an example for a more general critique of the educational system.

C: No. This choice is too narrow. The author provides data and probabilities in paragraph 3 as examples supporting the broader point of the passage. That is, the purpose of the passage as a whole is not limited to providing death statistics.

D: Yes. The passage describes innumeracy in the first paragraph and discusses its consequences through the rest of the passage.

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