MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 123: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 123

3. In the context of the passage, the word "vigorous" most nearly signifies:

  • A. healthy.
  • B. vociferous.
  • C. diligent.
  • D. tolerant.

Correct Answer: C


C This is an Inference question.

A: No. "Healthy" may be one literal definition of "vigorous," but it doesn't fit in the context of the passage, which is about Franklin's lack of will rather than his health.

B: No. "Vociferous" means outspoken. The issue in the passage is about Franklin's behavior, not his expressed opinions (which were at odds with his behavior).

C: Yes. The author suggests that Franklin's lapses were somewhat common and that Franklin did not make any great effort to uphold family norms.

D: No. Tolerance is not discussed until paragraph 5, and it is not directly relevant to this discussion of Franklin's failures to live up to his own standards of virtue in his private life.

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