MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 121: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 121

1. Which of the following statements best expresses the main point of the passage?

  • A. Benjamin Franklin's writings were distinctive in his day for arguing against religious dogma and in favor of tolerance, thereby attracting much criticism from other authors.
  • B. The simplicity of Benjamin Franklin's writing, although somewhat at odds with the sophistication of his thought, was connected to the broad-mindedness that gained him the respect of many of his contemporaries.
  • C. Despite being accused of hypocrisy, Benjamin Franklin became successful due to his gift for simple speech and to his impressive tolerance.
  • D. Benjamin Franklin's deep insights into moral and religious questions, although gaining him the respect of many, contrasted sharply with the simplicity of his writing style.

Correct Answer: B


B This is a Main Idea/Primary Purpose question.

A: No. This choice may be eliminated because, although Franklin and Lawrence are contrasted, the passage makes no general claim that Franklin's writings were distinctive or much criticized. In fact, paragraph 1 suggests that his beliefs were shared by a wide range of other people.

B: Yes. Both paragraphs 1 and 5 address the respect with which Franklin was viewed. Franklin's simple writing style also relates to the tolerance (paragraph 4) which the author describes as central to his character.

C: No. The only reference to Franklin's success is in paragraph 1, which suggests that his worldly success derived from his beliefs. While tolerance may have been one of these beliefs, the passage as a whole is not about the reasons for his success in life, but about the beliefs themselves, and how they related to his style of writing.

D: No. This choice is attractive in appearing to draw on many components of the passage. However, the author does not claim that Franklin had deep insights into religious and moral questions. Complexity of thought (paragraph 3) is not necessarily the same as deep insight. Furthermore, this answer choice says nothing about Franklin's tolerance, which is a major theme in the passage. Finally, it was this complexity, not the deepness of his insight, which contrasted with Franklin's simple writing style.

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