MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 101: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 101

2. All of the following items are listed in the passage as relics of Doolan and Morris's relationship EXCEPT:

  • A. a white-noise machine.
  • B. bottles of wine.
  • C. a crumpled boarding pass.
  • D. T-shirts.

Correct Answer: D


D This is a Strengthen question.

A: No. An isolated incident such as this one is not enough evidence to suggest a trend will continue. Also notice the mild wording; the fact that it gained "some public support" is not enough to "most strengthen" the author's claim.

B: No. There is no connection made by the author between some level (we don't know if it's a significant level) of increased participation in violent protest and increased support for peaceful protest.

C: No. Because it suggests the number of educated people who support peaceful protest is in some level of decline, this answer choice would weaken the argument. Note that even if you were thinking that "more than 50 percent" could be 70 percent, this answer still gives no evidence of an increase over time, or of a likely increase in the future.

D: Yes. The author explains that "as education levels increase, approval of demonstrations will increase," but does not explicitly support the premise that education levels will increase. If colleges were to accept more applicants, it is fair to assume education levels would increase, thus strengthening the premise.

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