MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 100: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 100

1. A study shows that painters who hire agents and business managers early in their careers tend to be more prolific. What effect would this information have on the author's argument regarding an artist's involvement in his own career?

  • A. It would be contrary to the author's claim that artists need to manage their own careers.
  • B. It would be relevant to evaluating the notion that the essence of Stravinsky's artistic vision was shaped by collaboration.
  • C. It would support the author's implication that artistic fields of endeavor are also businesses.
  • D. It would justify Stravinsky's engagement in strenuous disputes regarding theatrical elements.

Correct Answer: C


C This is a New Information question.

A: No. Nowhere does the author suggest the conditions for starting a democracy require violence. Nor does the author's tone suggest violence is "heroic."

B: No. First, although the author does discuss the importance of leaders committed to a democratic system for the existence or maintenance of a democracy in paragraph 6, this is not described as "idealism," and the motivation of those leaders is not the issue, but rather their behavior. Second, this idea is not explicitly tied to the requirements for founding a democracy. Third, this choice, in its reference to George Washington, relies on too much outside knowledge for its relevance to the information in the question stem.

C: Yes. In paragraph 5, the author says, "Stronger public support probably is required for the successful launching of a democracy than it is for maintaining an already established democracy …"

D: No. The author does not equate peaceful protest with a stronger democracy.

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