MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Question 1: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 1

1. Which of the following does the author consider to be a point of difference between utopian and dystopian literature?

I. The depiction of violence as necessary for maintaining social order

II. An emphasis on the role that reason plays in shaping society

III.The likelihood of considering the point of view of a social deviant

  • A. A dystopian society always seems like an ideal political order to the members of its ruling class.
  • B. Most utopian societies allow for the questioning of overarching political objectives.
  • C. Dystopias do not actually require significant amounts of violent force to be maintained.
  • D. Many works of speculative fiction can be classified as neither utopian nor dystopian.

Correct Answer: A


Look at the line in context to get a better sense of what to expect: "As with their emotional antecedents, utopia and dystopia are inextricably intertwined, evident in their deep structural commonalities." The "emotional antecedents" line refers to the discussion of hope and fear in P1, which noted how "one always accompanies the other," even though one might come to dominate for a time. Choice (A), which suggests that a dystopian society always looks like a utopian one from the perspective of the rulers, would definitely support this point, showing how utopia is inseparable from dystopia.

(B) Opposite. In P3, the author notes that "instrumental rationality," featured regularly in dystopian fiction, creates a society in which "citizens are mere means for the advancement of political ends, which must remain unexamined." If utopias allowed the examination of political ends, this would constitute a point of difference, rather than similarity.

(C) Opposite. Violence is addressed predominately in P4, where the author discusses commonalities between the two. Because utopias are suggested to be as violent, this choice would create another point of difference if true.

(D) Faulty Use of Detail. While this choice does not weaken the claim, as the other wrong answer choices do, it is largely irrelevant. Just because they are both absent sometimes does not mean they must always occur together, as "inextricably intertwined" suggests.
