MCAT Psychology and Sociology Freestanding Practice Questions: social structure

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1. Social institutions include all of the following, EXCEPT:

  • A. Social networks
  • B. Families
  • C. Schools
  • D. Churches

2. Joy lives a neighborhood where 40% of the population is obese. Almost half of the adults in her neighborhood are unemployed and rely on food stamps. There are no grocery stores within a ten block radius of where Joy lives, but there are many fast-food chains. The economic and social situation in Joy's neighborhood could be described as:

I. a food desert.

II. absolute poverty.

III. relative poverty.

  • A. I only
  • B. II only
  • C. I and II
  • D. I and III

3. A country where the economy is profit-driven and privately-owned, but public services like healthcare and education and state-funded, would be considered:

  • A. socialist.
  • B. capitalist.
  • C. collectivist.
  • D. welfare capitalist.

4. A study finds that lower-income Hispanic women from a specific urban community located near a factory are more than twice as likely to develop a rare form of cancer than women in the general population. This finding could be potentially attributed to all of the following, EXCEPT:

  • A. class-dependent healthcare disparities.
  • B. environmental injustice.
  • C. gender-dependent healthcare disparities.
  • D. ethnicity-dependent healthcare disparities.

5. Which of the following is NOT a macro theory of sociology?

  • A. Functionalism
  • B. Conflict theory
  • C. Feminist theory
  • D. Symbolic interactionism.

6. Which of the following is FALSE about émilie Durkheim's functionalism?

  • A. Functionalism is less concerned about the interactions of small groups.
  • B. Functionalism involves the idea that society is similar to an organism.
  • C. Functionalism encourages people to actively change the status quo of society for their own benefit.
  • D. Functionalism believes that once one part of an institution changes, it will always affect the other parts of the institution.