MCAT Behavioral Sciences Question 36: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 36

6. A rat is trained to press a lever to obtain food under a fixed-interval schedule. Which of the following behaviors would the rat most likely exhibit?

  • A. Pressing the lever continuously whenever it is hungry.
  • B. Pressing the lever exactly once and waiting for the food pellet before pressing it again.
  • C. Pressing the lever slowly at first, but with increasing frequency as the end of the interval approaches.
  • D. None of the above; the association formed by fixed-interval schedules is too weak to increase behavior.

Correct Answer: C


In a fixed-interval schedule, the desired behavior is rewarded the first time it is exhibited after the fixed interval has elapsed. Both fixed-interval and fixed-ratio schedules tend to show this phenomenon: almost no response immediately after the reward is given, but the behavior increases as the rat gets close to receiving the reward.

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