MCAT Behavioral Sciences Question 261: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 261

4. A felon fails to find a job because potential employers are aware of his role as a convict. Which of the following concepts best describes this social reaction?

  • A. Social stigma
  • B. Social support
  • C. False consensus
  • D. Socialization

Correct Answer: A


Social stigma is the negative association that others have about an individual based on their past selves, which distinguishes them from the rest of society; ex-felons have a high social stigma since their former role as a convict is greatly disapproved of in society (choice A is correct). Social support describes close relationships people have with each other, typically within a family; the scenario presented in the question stem does not demonstrate social support (choice B is incorrect). A false consensus occurs when an individual believes that everyone else agrees with what they do; like social support, false consensus has no relevance to the scenario (choice C is incorrect). Socialization is the process of creating an individual identity based on what the individual learns from society's norms, values, and customs; socialization does not explain the social reaction to the ex-felon (choice D is incorrect).

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