MCAT Behavioral Sciences Question 258: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 258

1. Which of the following theories best describes the process of presentation of self in creating an ex-role?

  • A. Social facilitation
  • B. Dramaturgy
  • C. Social support
  • D. Peer pressure

Correct Answer: B


In the second paragraph, the mention of "props" is a strong indicator that dramaturgy is implicated, which is the concept that individuals' lives are a stage and they use the appropriate props to portray their respective roles (choice B is correct). Social facilitation is the idea that an individual will perform better on tasks because of the presence of other people; this concept does not apply to the process of presentation of self (choice A is incorrect). Social support involves having a strong network system to assist the individual in their time of need; this does not best explain the process of presentation of self (choice C is incorrect). Peer pressure is the influence of peers to encourage individuals to conform to the norms of their society; the passage implies that the individuals choose to change themselves as opposed to being pressured into doing so (choice D is incorrect).

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