MCAT Behavioral Sciences Question 253: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 253

3. Which of the following is implied by the thin-ideal hypothesis?

  • A. Canonic perspectives
  • B. Illusory contours
  • C. Echoic memory
  • D. Object relations theory

Correct Answer: A


Canonic perspectives refer to prototype images that represent particular concepts or objects for an individual. The thin-ideal hypothesis assumes that those with AN maintain a prototypical internal representation of thin body shape and size (choice A is correct). Illusory contours refer to a related but distinct aspect of visual perception, namely the artificial detection of borders that demarcate a familiar shape or pattern (choice B is wrong). Echoic memory is a facet of perception, but refers specifically to short-term auditory memory capacity (choice C is wrong). Object relations theory does not pertain to visual perception. Rather, it is an outgrowth of psychodynamic theory that focuses on early child-parent interaction and an individual's internal representation of relationships (choice D is wrong).

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