MCAT Behavioral Sciences Question 247: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 247

4. Suppose that after selecting someone from the photo line-up, all of the subjects in the control group watched a ten-minute film presentation in which a "police officer" provided additional evidence about why the custodial worker (whom the control subjects never met) was suspected to be the culprit responsible for the mugging. Half of the control subjects had a "very handsome" police officer presenting the information, and the other half had an "unattractive" police officer presenting the same information. 85% of the control subjects who watched the video with the handsome police officer either changed their answer to the custodial worker (or if they had initially selected the custodial worker, confirmed that selection). 45% of the control subjects who watched the video with the unattractive police officer either changed their answer to the custodial worker (or if they had initially selected the custodial worker, confirmed that selection). The elaboration likelihood model suggests tha

  • A. the peripheral route of information processing.
  • B. target characteristics.
  • C. message characteristics.
  • D. the central route of information processing.

Correct Answer: A


The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion is a theory that attitudes are formed by dual processes, via the central processing route (which includes deep processing of the message itself) or by the peripheral processing route (which includes superficial processing focused on specifics of the messenger). Since the controls with the handsome police officer were far more likely to be persuaded that the photo of the custodial worker was the mugger, this suggests that both groups are focusing on characteristics of the person delivering the message (attractiveness). In the peripheral processing route, people are more likely to be persuaded by attractive messengers (choice A is correct). The central processing route involves focusing on the information of the message; in this scenario, the message was the same for both groups, so the central processing route does not explain the difference in outcome (choice D is wrong). Target characteristics describe the characteristics of the person receiving the message (motivation, interest); there is no information provided in the stem that would indicate that the characteristics of the two groups were responsible for the different outcome (choice B is wrong). Similarly, the message characteristics include specific features of the message itself (like length, logic, and evidence). Since the message was the same for the two groups, message characteristics do not explain the difference in outcomes (choice C is wrong).

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