MCAT Behavioral Sciences Question 208: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 208

6. Lauren, a California native, moved to New York three years ago. Since then, during the winter months, Lauren finds it harder to wake up in the morning, avoids her friends, and has the tendency to overeat. Her psychiatrist prescribed 30 to 90 minutes of light exposure daily to relieve the symptoms. What disorder does the psychiatrist believe Lauren has?

  • A. Catatonic schizophrenia
  • B. Seasonal affective disorder
  • C. Major depressive disorder
  • D. Bipolar affective disorder

Correct Answer: B


Lauren demonstrates symptoms of depression in the winter, when the days are shortest (least amount of daylight). Seasonal affective disorder involves depressive episodes in a seasonal pattern, usually during the fall and winter months when there is less sunlight exposure (choice B is correct). Catatonic schizophrenia is a mental illness in which the patient loses touch with reality and behaves in extremes, either by behaving hyperactively or by demonstrating physical immobility (choice A is wrong). Major depressive disorder is characterized by feelings of worthlessness, lack of pleasure, lethargy, and sleep or appetitive irregularities, which last for two or more weeks (choice C is wrong). Bipolar affective disorder is characterized by cycles of abnormal, persistent high mood (manic episodes) and low mood (depressive episodes; choice D is wrong).

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