MCAT Behavioral Sciences Question 124: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 124

4. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a bureaucracy?

  • A. Rigidly defined work procedures
  • B. Requirement for officials to hold an advanced degree
  • C. Regular salary increases
  • D. Election by constituents

Correct Answer: D


Generally, bureaucracies are marked by six characteristics: paid officials on a fixed salary; nonelected officials who are provided rights and privileges as a result of making their career out of holding office; regular salary increases, seniority rights, and promotions upon passing exams or milestones, choice (C); officials who enter the organization by holding an advanced degree or training, choice (B); responsibilities, obligations, privileges, and work procedures rigidly defined by the organization, choice (A); and responsibility for meeting the obligations of the office they hold.

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