GRE Reading Comprehension

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Source: 91年

Isadora Duncan's masterly writings on the dance reveal the depth of her determination to create a lyric form of the art which was free of characterization, storytelling, and the theatrical exhibition of skills. She wished to discard the traditional methods and established vocabularies of such dance forms as ballet and to explore the internal sources of human expressiveness. She shunned bodily ornamentation and strove to use only the natural movements of her body, undistorted by acrobatic exaggeration and stimulated only by internal compulsion. In her recitals Duncan danced to the music of Beethoven, Wagner, and Gluck, among others, but, contrary to popular belief, she made no attempt to visualize or to interpret the music; rather, she simply relied on it to provide the inspiration for expressing inner feelings through movement. She did not regard this use of music as ideal, however, believing that she would someday dispense with music entirely. That day never came.

Question List: 1 2 3 4

According to the passage, Duncan intended to develop an art form that would do all of the following EXCEPT

  • A avoid the use of standard ballet techniques
  • B revitalize an earlier established vocabulary
  • C draw on internal sources of human expressiveness
  • D create intended effects without the use of acrobatic exaggeration
  • E derive inspiration solely from inner feelings

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