GRE Reading Comprehension

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Source: XDF

A society can achieve a fair distribution of resources only under conditions of economic growth. There can be no economic growth unless the society guarantees equality of economic opportunity to all of its citizens. Equality of economic opportunity cannot be guaranteed unless a society's government actively works to bring it about.

Question List: 1

If the statements given are true, it can be properly concluded from them that

  • A no government can achieve a fair distribution of resources under conditions of economic growth
  • B all societies that guarantee equality of economic opportunity to all of their members are societies that distribute resources fairly
  • C a society can achieve a fair distribution of resources only if its government actively works to bring about equality of economic opportunity
  • D there can be no economic growth in a society unless that society guarantees a fair distribution of resources
  • E some societies that experience economic growth fail to guarantee equality of opportunity to all of their citizens

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