GRE Reading Comprehension

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A certain type of shrimp habitually hovers around superheated deep-sea geysers, near which the bacteria that form the shrimps' diet can be found, Because the geysers emit a faint light, scientists have concluded that the shrimps' light sensitive dorsal patches were developed to locate the geysers and thereby find food.

Question List: 1

Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the scientists' conclusion?

  • A The light to which the shrimps are sensitive is not the sort of light that the geysers emit
  • B The light given off by the geysers too faint to be detected by the human eye.
  • C The heat inside a geyser's stream is sufficient to kill instantly any bacteria that move into it.
  • D Most other types of shrimp use eyes located at the end of eyestalks in order to see.
  • E In other types of shrimp, a heat-seasing organ has developed that could serve the same geyser-detecting purposes as the light sensitive patches are said to serve.

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