GRE Reading Comprehension

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Ancient Christianity may be divided into two great periods. In the first, it was a religion liable to persecution, suffering severely at times and always struggling to maintain itself; in the second, it became the religion of the State, and in its turn set about to repress and persecute the heathen religions. It was no longer without legal rights; it had the support of the secular rulers and was lavishly endowed with wealth. These two periods are markedly different, and the conditions had a distinct effect upon the life and growth of the Christian religion.

Question List: 1 2

Which ONE of the following statements would the author agree is true about ancient Christianity?

  • A It consisted of many different periods of time, each with its own distinct character.
  • B Early Christianity was a marginal religion, but it later became wealthy and respected.
  • C Later Christians were wrong to persecute those who believed in other faiths.
  • D Legally speaking, the earliest Christians had more rights than later believers.
  • E From the beginning, Christianity was a religion which was bound to succeed.

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