GMAT Sentence Correction

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Source: GWD

Level: 4

Regardless of their form or function, all aerodynamically enhanced, curved objects made for throwing have been called boomerangs by non-Australians ever since 1788, when Europeans saw Dharug-speaking men tossing "bumariny" in the area later known as Sydney.

  • A Regardless of their form or function, all aerodynamically enhanced, curved objects made for throwing have been called boomerangs by non-Australians ever since 1788,
  • B Regardless of their form or function, any aerodynamically enhanced, curved object made for throwing has been called a boomerang by non-Australians ever since 1788,
  • C Ever since 1788, non-Australians have called all aerodynamically enhanced, curved objects made for throwing boomerangs, regardless of their form or function, from
  • D Ever since 1788, any aerodynamically enhanced, curved object made for throwing has been called a boomerang by non-Australians, regardless of its form or function, from
  • E Non-Australians have called all aerodynamically enhanced, curved objects made for throwing boomerangs ever since 1788, regardless of their form or function, from

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