GMAT Integrated Reasoning

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Source: Other

Level: 3

In recent years, bee populations have been dropping rapidly, partly due to a phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder. Scientists also fear pesticides are destroying bee populations, but it is not clear how they are causing damage.

In the first of the Science studies, a University of Stirling team exposed developing colonies of bumblebees to low levels of a chemical pesticide called imidacloprid, and then placed the colonies in an enclosed field site where the bees could fly around collecting pollen under natural conditions for six weeks. A control group was not exposed to imidacloprid.

At the beginning and end of the experiment, the researchers weighed each of the bumblebee nests - which included the bees, wax, honey, bee grubs and pollen - to see how much the colony had grown. Compared to control colonies not exposed to imidacloprid, the researchers found the treated colonies gained less weight, suggesting less food was coming in. The treated colonies were on average eight to 12 percent smaller than the control colonies at the end of the experiment, and also produced about 85 percent fewer queens - a finding that is key because queens produce the next generation of bees.

From the previous paragraph, which of the following changes to the bee can be inferred to have happened, and which can be inferred to NOT have happened. Make only two selections, one in each column.

HappenedDid Not Happen 
Imidaclorid slowed down the bee's physical movement
Bee's immune system adapted to the Imidaclorid
Imidaclorid inhibited the bee's ability to pollinate flowers
Imidaclorid increased the bee fertility rate
Imidaclorid affected the bee's ability to bring home food

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