MCAT Physics Question 60: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 60

15. A water tower operator is interested in increasing the pressure of a column of water that is applied to a piston. She hopes that increasing the pressure will increase the force being applied to the piston. The only way to increase the pressure is to alter the speed of the water as it flows through the pipe to the piston. How should the speed of the water be changed to increase the pressure and force?

  • A. Increase the speed
  • B. Decrease the speed
  • C. Release water intermittently against the pipe
  • D. The speed of water will not change pressure at the piston.

Correct Answer: B


This is a basic interpretation of Bernoulli's equation that states, at equal heights, speed and pressure of a fluid are inversely related (the Venturi effect). Decreasing the speed of the water will therefore increase its pressure. An increase in pressure over a given area will result in increased force being transmitted to the piston.

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