MCAT General Chemistry Question 230: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 230

8. If the Ksp of KI is 1.45 × 10- 6 in propanol at 25°C, what would the Ksp of KI be in propane at the same temperature?

  • A. 1.84
  • B. 2.90 × 10-3
  • C. 1.81 × 10-6
  • D. 7.56 × 10-23

Correct Answer: D


D The golden rule of solubility is "like dissolves like." Potassium iodide is a salt held together by ionic forces and therefore comprised of charged ions. A salt will dissolve in a polar solvent better than a non-polar solvent. Propanol has a polar –OH group whereas propane is completely non-polar. Therefore, KI must have a smaller Ksp in propane than in propanol. The only answer that has a smaller Ksp value is choice D.

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