MCAT Biology Question 23: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 23

8. Which of the following INCORRECTLY pairs a structure of the male reproductive system with a feature of the structure?

  • A. Seminal vesicles—produce alkaline fructose-containing secretions
  • B. Epididymis—surrounded by muscle to raise and lower the testes
  • C. Vas deferens—tube connecting the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
  • D. Cowper's glands—produce a fluid to clear traces of urine in the urethra

Correct Answer: B


The epididymis is the site of sperm maturation at the posterior side of the testis. In the epididymis, sperm gain mobility and are stored until ejaculation. It is the vas deferens (ductus deferens) that is surrounded by muscle that raises and lowers the testis to maintain a constant temperature suitable for sperm production, not the epididymis.

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