GRE Reading Comprehension

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Source: OG2

In Gilavia, the number of reported workplace injuries has declined 16 percent in the last five years. However, perhaps part of the decline results from injuries going unreported: many employers have introduced safety-incentive programs, such as prize drawings for which only employees who have a perfect work-safety record are eligible. Since a workplace injury would disqualify an employee from such programs, some employees might be concealing injury, when it is feasible to do so.

Question List: 1

Which of the following, if true in Gilavia, most strongly supports the proposed explanation?

  • A In the last five years, there has been no decline in the number of workplace injuries leading to immediate admission to a hospital emergency room.
  • B Employers generally have to pay financial compensation to employees who suffer work-related injuries.
  • C Many injuries that happen on the job are injuries that would be impossible to conceal and yet would not be severe enough to require any change to either the employee's work schedule or the employee's job responsibilities
  • D A continuing shift in employment patterns has led to a decline in the percentage of the workforce that is employed in the dangerous occupations in which workplace injuries are likely.
  • E Employers who have instituted safety-incentive programs do not in general have a lower proportion of reported workplace injuries among their employees than do employers without such programs.

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